Emmanuel89 (comments)
Displaying 41 - 54 of 54 comments
Hey, how you been?
I'm doing pretty good. I'm just responding back to comments, and hearing your song apparently. Badass song man. Old, but good. Most of the songs I hear now are back in the day. The beats were authentic and the lyrics meant something.
Aw, well, I hope you get more relaxation. [:
Thanks! [:
Lol. No problem. [:
I'm doing good today, what about you?
Hey, no problem. [:
Thanks for the request. [:
When you get something rejected, you should be given a reason why. If not PM that moderator and ask them why. If they still don't get you a reason feel free to PM me or any other admin and explain to them that you have not been given valid reasons. We will not accept everything. We reject twice as much as we accepted. Reason being so you guys can improve. We will take as many resources as we can get but we will not take everything. IF you want critiques from me on your graphics, layouts etc then I can do that for you. Just PM me. If it's scripts, we don't accept scripts we have too many of.
So I'm assuming you're mad because you got a lot of rejections?
doesn't your profile say you are "done" with cb?
oH GoD i kNoW HoW THaT Iz MiNe Iz EitHeR SeMi FaST SuMDaYs 0r iT WiLL bE s0 sLoW N KeEp FrEeZiNg N i GoT iT FiXEd LiKe 4 MoNtHs aGo N iM HaViNg THeSe proBLeMs aGAiN
DaY dReAmiNg HuH?? aBouT WuT?? ... oH i LiKe SoNg oN uR PaGe d0 YoU??????? d0 YoU???????? HAHAHA
HeY THaNx FuH aDDiNg Me baCk ..... WuTs uP WiTH YoU?
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